Specialist Games - pagina 21


Necromunda: Core Gang Tactics Cards Eng
Boromir (Mounted) ---- Webstore Exclusive
Frostgrave: The Wildwoods
Blood Bowl: Underworld Denizens Team
Blood Bowl: Old World Alliance Team
Wood Elf Sentinels ---- Webstore Exclusive
Legiones Astartes: Vindicator Siege Tank
Warcry: Claws Of Karanak
Warcry: Askurgan Trueblades
Panzer Ii Ausf. A/B/C Light Tank
Adeptus Titanicus: Campaign Compendium
Legiones Astartes: Cerberus Heavy Tank
Middle-Earth: Gondor Ruins
Necromunda: Cawdor Ridge Walkers
Middle-Earth: Gondor Tower